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General Discussion / Re: Politics in General
Last post by admin -
Hi Dave,
I understand your slant on the election. First, you got the inflation number wrong. It was 1.9% and the rest is accurate.
I am happy that you got to express yourself without being editied or being censored.
We do the same for all sides of an issue.
I look forward to more feedback from American voters.
General Discussion / Re: Politics in General
Last post by daveast -
Hey Admin,
I appreciate your desire to provide, essentially, an open forum for discussion, but the left no longer believes in democracy. They just want to win and they have the money and power to do so. After all, they got Biden elected.
Trump, on the other hand, has a history of making the economy flow smoothly with the inflation rate of 1.4% when Biden/Harris took over and a year later raised the inflation rate to over 9% and slowly raised the cost of living to over 21% in 3 years. This all has to do with the cost of fuel which Biden/Harris shut down America's supply of cheap energy and locked us all into a green lousy deal.
I was voting for RFK Jr. but he joined with Trump to make America Healthy again, so you know where my vote is going.
Enough said.
General Discussion / Kamala Harris does an interview with CNN
Last post by admin -
This "first" interview, since Kamala became the Democratic candidate for president, was very bland and not very informative. As a registered Democrat, I was looking forward to her policies and how she was going to frame them and execute them. There was a real lack of substance. That is OK. The debate will reveal her stand on policy and I look forward to the September 10 debate. 8)   8)
General Discussion / Politics in General
Last post by admin -
It is my simple, and possibly naive, desire to provide a forum where democrats, republicans and Independents can openly discuss their individual feelings. Yes, feelings!
It appears that the variations in po;itical slants comes down to feelings more than actual policy beliefs.
So, if your feelings are expressed as clearly as possible, you may find that members of an opposing party may have similar feelings or perhaps a policy belief that is changing depending on the individuals growing understanding and comprehension of those feelings.
This community forum is your chance to explore your feelings and discuss your feelings with other members of the community.